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"A modo mio… is love for a land, the eyes through which you observe it,
the heart with which you go through it"

We offer our guests at the B&B excursions to particularly interesting places of the area that are not listed in tourist guides. We can accompany you, and promise you a pleasant stop to taste something good … "a modo mio".

Short and accessible paths will allow you to discover beautiful places of the coast between Polignano a Mare and Monopoli. To the South, from the port of Monopoli to the archaeological site of Egnatia, passing by the Abbey of Santo Stefano and Cintola Tower;  to the North, from Cala Incina to the Abbey of San Vito, through "the natural arch of the Cave Sella" (geological site) and the old town of Polignano by the sea. Along this route there are several places of pristine beauty to admire.

The territory between Monopoli, Alberobello, Locorotondo, Noci and Putignano is crossed by the main canal of the aqueduct Pugliese. This runs for 250 km from Cape Sele (Avellino) as far as Villa Castelli (Brindisi). Many stretches can be traveled on foot or by bicycle, through oak woods, on bridges that pass over karstic valleys and canyons, passing by ancient Masserie (Farms). Near the oasis of Bersento (1100 hectares of forest between Alberobello and Noci) you can turn and go up to the Church of Barsento (VI cent. AD) and the nearby Masseria, which are among the most invaluable examples of the artistic heritage of Apulia, protected by the Ministry of Culture and Arts.

The “lame” are karstic cracks in the territory between the Murgia hill and the sea. During heavy rains they collect the water, which then flows into the sea, but when it does not rain they are groves of olive and carob trees where it is extremely pleasant to walk. Along the slopes you will be able to notice anthropogenic caves, dating back to prehistoric  times, referred to as rupestrian settlements. Easy to visit and of particular botanical interest are “Giardino lama degli ulivi” and “Park Belvedere”.

An artificial small lake surrounded by forests of oaks in high Murgia. It is a rare example of a virtuous cycle of water: in fact, it collects the purified water  from a nursing home. From the small lake the waters are distributed for reuse in agriculture:  for the irrigation of almond orchards, olive groves and arable land. This hike is a walk in the silence of the woods, but it also offers an opportunity to  taste typical products and, last but not least, to reflect about the value of a precious resource like water.

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